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Learn more about our modules

University Information Management

This module will help the university admin in handling the records and services. It will secure and generate reports related to all staff.

Courses and Subject Management

his module would ease the activity of handling courses and subjects. The system will help the admin assign the subjects per course and then bracket its schedules.

Student Information Management

The student information management cost a lot of time and effort to do. While this module will do the management, and the admin would just feed the information to the system.

Faculty and Student Attendance Monitoring

This module might require a device to monitor the attendance of each of their students. This will help them handle the performance of their students as well as their faculty members.

Grading System Management

The work of this modules is to help the admin convey learning progress and performance of their students in a clear, accurate, consistent, and timely manner.

Executive Dashboard [NextUMS Premium DB- University Level]

The Executive Dashboard allows the universities to manage all its faculties through simple, yet detailed dashboards.  Receiving timely accurate data makes management more efficient.

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